viernes, 9 de junio de 2017

Page 131.
3.- POWER SOURCE: It is a component of electric circuits in which the eleement feeds the circuit with the electrical energy needed to move the electrons.
CONDUCTOR: It is a component of electric circuits in which the elements transport the electric current from the power sources to the load devices.
LOAD DEVICE: It is a component of electric circuits in which the elements contained, receive the electrical energy from the power sources. It includes: motors, lamps, resistors, etc

4.- They are: power sources, load devices, conductors and control ande protection elements.

5.-  Copper and gold

6.-  A) The resistance is of 30 OHMS.
      B) The value of the resistor in the inicial circuit is of 15 OHMS.

7.-  If lamp 1 blows in circuit number 1, it will interrupt the circuit.

miércoles, 7 de junio de 2017


On these days, we have been working on doing some electric circuits, such as: parallel and series circuits.

In parallel circuits we have used a battery 4.5V and resistors of 220 and three LEDS, one was red, the other was green and the other was yellow.
In series circuits we have used a battery of 9V, because with the battery of 4.5V, we didn´t have enough volts. We have also used three resistors of 220 and three LEDS, with the same colours.

We have observed that in parallel circuits, if you take out one resistor and one LED, it works, but in series circuits, it doesn´t work.
Here we leave you a photo of the series circuit we have done:

miércoles, 10 de mayo de 2017


These are other classmates´ links of their blog that show other types of mechanisms:

Number 1 has worked in friction wheel, cams and worm gear

Number 2 has worked in screw and nut, wedge and belt and pulley.

Number 3 has worked in gears, rack and pinion and wedge

viernes, 28 de abril de 2017


I´m going to insert some photos of the city in which I live.

Resultado de imagen de los castillos alcorcon
"Los Castillos"This is a frame structure. It is formed by columns that support the castle.

insertar cap de:,-3.8221355,3a,75y,152.14h,98.66t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sQl08JJztAMoLPHtTODA7lA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1

miércoles, 5 de abril de 2017

                        STRUCTURES AND MECHANISMS

1) Copy and complete the following table.
        TYPES OF STRUCTURES:                       EXAMPLES:
                             Mass                                          Wall, dams, etc.
                            Frame                                       Buildings, bycicles
                            Truss                                 Cranes, electricity pylons, etc.
                        Suspended                              Bridges, tents, marquees, etc.

2) Have you ever seen a structure that uses cables? Write down the names of the ones that you can remember or the ones that you can see and draw them.
  Yes. A bridge that u is made with cables. This one is called Tatara and it tis located in Japan.
 Resultado de imagen de structures with cables

 3) When a person sits on a a chair, the stress that the chair has to withstand is due to the weight of the person, whereas the strength is the chair´s ability to withstand the load without breaking. Indicate which is the strength and which is the stress in these two examples:
 a) A wardrobe hanging from a rope.- Strength

 b) A twisting telephone cord.- Stress

6) Describe the structure of a turtle´shell. Why do you think it has this shape? What material do you think it is made from? Is it strong enough for the stresses it has to withstand?
The shell structure is composed of hard, bone plates covered by scutes. The scutes are made of keratin, the primary substance in hair, nails and hooves of other animals. The pigment melanin, present in the scutes, may form intricate designs and brightly colored patterns in some species.

7) Which types of stress do the following elements and activities have to support:
a rope with a weight hanging off it: Tension

A man pushing a cabinet: Compression
Tightening a screw: Compression

Cutting our fingernails: Shear

9) Write a short description of three objects using one of the following adjectives for each object: rigid, elastic and plastic. Explain how these properties allow the objects to fulfil your function or make them switable for their purpose.
A column is a rigid object which is used to support building structures. An example of a stress in which it is used is in compression.

A rubber band is an elastic object which can be used to tie your hair. Some examples of stresses in which this object could be used are: tension or torsion.

A water bottle is a plastic object, it can be deformed but it doesn´t come back to its original shape.

11) Copy and complete the following table with objects that have the properties shown in the right-hand column.
                                            OBJECT                                          PROPERTIES
                                               Brick                                                      Rigid
                                                 Tile                                                  Deformable
                                          Rubber band                                               Elastic
                                          Chewing gum                                             Plastic

12) Think about the following objects and state whether they are rigid, plastic or elastic: balloon, empty drinks can, window frame, clay, catapult, door.

  • Rigid: window frame, catapult, door
  • Plastic: balloon
  • Elastic: empty drinks can, clay

viernes, 31 de marzo de 2017

Reciprocating motion-Resultado de imagen de reciprocating motion
  Oscillating motion- Moción balanceante
 Resultado de imagen de oscillating motion

Gears- Engranajes
 Resultado de imagen de gears gif

Chain and sprockets- Cadenas y dientes de engranajes
Resultado de imagen de chain and sprockets gif
Worm gear- Engranaje de gusano

Resultado de imagen de worm gear gif

Screw and nut- Tornillo
Resultado de imagen de screw and nut gif

Cams- Leva

Eccentric- Excéntrico
 Resultado de imagen de eccentric motion gif

Rack and pinion- Estante y engranaje
Resultado de imagen de rack and pinion gif

Crank and slider- Girar y deslizador
 Resultado de imagen de crank and slider gif

miércoles, 29 de marzo de 2017


1. Explain what a website is and give three examples of one.
   A website is a series of web pages that can be accessed from a common address.

2. Define the following concepts: static web page and dynamic web page. Explain what languages each one uses.
  Static web page: It is a type of web page in which the pages don´t change and they also show the same content. They are created in HTML.
  Dynamic web page: It is a type of web page which shows different results depending on what the user does. This type of web page is wtitten in the language of ASP, ASP.NET, Java, PHP, and JavaScript.

3. What extension is used by the files that make up a website?
   The extension used by files that make up a website is the HTML.

5. What publishing tools does Web 2.0 have? What can we use them for?
   The web 2.0 has the tools that allow you to créate and participate using their own content, images and comments.

6. Explain how we can participate in the Internet with a Wiki, an image hosting portal and a social network.
   Creating an account where you upload potos about something you like, for example: profesional images, images about your life, explaining something...
7. What is a content management system? How is it useful for a user with no expert knowledge?
   It is a publishing tool used by a webmaster to generate web content.

8. Which are the most popular content management system?
     The most popular are: Blogger, Wordpress and Google Sites.

9. Summarise the content management systems that we have seen in this unit, describing the features of each.

10. Which HTML tags are essential in any web page?
    The essential tags are: .html or .htm 

11. In your notebok, copy this basic starting structure of an HTML document and explain what each tag is used for.



<> It is used to open an action
</> It is used to close the action.