miércoles, 7 de diciembre de 2016


We are studying the web pages in this unit, these are some exercises which include this unit: 
Homework: Page 53:
1)  WEB PAGE: It is a series of linked therefore a website that can be accessed  from a common adress.
HOSTING: The process used by a webmaster to make a webpage available to Internet users.
LOCAL SITE: The name called to the normal worker procedure for webmasters is to create the set of files that form the web.
REMOTE SITE: The webmaster processes these files and also has a space for saving the page on a site accessible to all the Internet users. 

 2) When do you think a webmaster should replace the files hosted on the server? Give an example.
  When there are new things updated or more things to write. For example: when there are new news of the world or a publication has change.


Exercises about HTML

   Page 57

3. What does a browser do with an HTML?
     A browser reads that HTML code and creates a web page with it.

4. What are the main parts of an HTML document?
     The main parts of an HTML are: the opening and closing tags. The opening tag is the one that tells how does the text have to be, and the closing tag is the text that appears; for example: <N>Bold text<N> - Bold text

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2016


Hello! Here I let you a video about ciberbullying


In my opinión, I think ciberbullying has to be stopped and if we notify any case of these, we have to tell it and try to stop it; and if it happens to you don´t mind of telling to someone you trust, like a member of your family, an adult or a friend.

I also let you a web page: www.pantallasamigas.net

jueves, 29 de septiembre de 2016


Hello! My name is Mayte. In this blog you are going to see things about technology of 2ºESO. If you have any doubts or suggestions to tell me, write a comment and I´ll answer you.

Thank you! :)

miércoles, 28 de septiembre de 2016


The internet is a network of thousands of computers and devices around the world connected by copper wires, fibre optics, wireless, connections and other methods.

How does the internet work?:

1-. Users can connect  to the Internet service provider (ISP) and pay a set free. When we switch on a computer and connect to the Internet, our ISP (for example, Movistar, Jazztel, Ono, etc.) assigns an address to our computer, called an IP adress. Every computer is assigned a unique address on the Internet.

2-. A router is a device that lets us connect to the Internet. Once connected, we open our browser and type the address of a page in it (URL). At this point, information starts to travel in the form of packets. The information sent out is the request or address of the web page that we want to visit and the information that we want to visit and the information that is sent back is the content of the web page.

Each web page is also assigned an IP. This way, we can identify the origin and destination  of the flow of information.

3-. The next step in the information´s journey are the DNS. It would be very difficult to remember the IP address of every website that we could connect with. DNS servers simplify this task for us. DNS stands for domain name system and these servers assigns names to telephone numbers so that numbers so that we do not have to remember them all.

For example, if we type the IP .233.189.104 in our browser, we are connected to the Google home page, which is the same as typing in ´´https://www.google.es´´.

4-. Our computer communicates with other computers following a common set of rules called a protocol.
  • The packets of information follow the TCP/IP protocol (transfer control protocol/Internet protocol).
  • Servers use the HTTP protocol (hypertext transfer protocol) to send and receive documents over the Internet.

5-. The DNS server sends the request to the server that hosts the web page we want to visit. The server sends us the information packets that make up the web page, which travel over the network along the quickest path that they can find. 

6-. Finally, the packets reach our computer and are reassembled . The page is then displayed in our browser.